
My LibriVox recordings & my reading journal (solo Litblog).

1st To Die notes; Chapters 117 to 126, Epilogue & my closing thoughts

cover for 1st To Die

Chapter 117

So Lindsay has her former partner on stakeout duty. From his report to D.I. Lindsay Boxer, it sounds like an awfully boring assignment, I pity the poor guy. The only thing worse than being bored is being bored, tired and hungry.

Lindsay’s increasing reliance on The Club is rearing it’s head again, this time mentioning the she wants Chris Raleigh to meet them.
She tells him that she thinks they’ve broken the case, but my opinion differs significantly as I still think Nick Jenks is at least partially responsible for the murders. Along with Chessy Jenks. Continue reading

1st To Die notes; Chapters 96 to 116

cover for 1st To DieChapter 96
(Book Four – The Whole Truth)

At a celebratory baseball game, courtesy of Chief Mercer’s string pulling, Lindsay is literally having the ride of her life, which has nothing to with baseball and everything to do with Chris.

I was giggling like a damn fool. I was going to get us caught! “What’s so funny?” Chris whispered.
I was thinking of Claire and Cindy. And what we had just done.
“I think I just made the list,” I said.

They may as well ride high now, since the fallout about Jenks will be of gargantuan proportions. Continue reading

1st To Die notes; Chapters 78 to 95

cover for 1st To Die

Chapter 78

I wanted to speak with someone who knew him, who might be willing to talk.

It’s a good job Chris found out about the ex-wife then. Someone for Lindsay to visit, to question.
Seems all she really finds out about Nicholas Jenks, at first, is just a vague idea of what a bad husband he can be. I say can, because he still is.
Joanna Wade, the former Mrs. Jenks, is now a Tae-Bo instructor. From her attitude Continue reading

1st To Die notes; Chapters 68 to 77

cover for 1st To Die

Chapter 68

I knew it!
The author is throwing red herrings about like party poppers at a New Years bash.
Now for me, the question is now – Phillip Campbell and famous novelist Nicholas Jenks, are they the same man?
It would figure that Campbell was purely an alias for Jenks, but just between us, I hope it doesn’t turn out to be some cheap parlour trick. I really hate that some books, some writers, resort to such underhanded tactics. I never fail to feel cheated when I read such things. It has put me off returning to some writers, which is a great shame.
My initial instinct is to trust James Patterson. Continue reading

1st To Die notes; Chapters 60 to 67

cover for 1st To Die

Chapter 60

The next morning, a meeting is held to go over the security tapes and what Mr. Sharp’s team have found so far. The artist’s sketch has helped the team to produce some results, but it’s not what everyone was hoping for, clearly. Not nearly the kind of result anyone was expecting. I can almost see the disappointed looks on the detectives faces, and hear a few choice curse words whispered amongst them.

“He’s purposely avoiding looking at the camera,” I whispered to Raleigh. “He knows where they are.”

Of course he knows where they are, probably had the whole place mapped out and analysed. How else could he have carried out the previous murders, leaving only the clues he chose to leave and nothing else.

There is something that is starting to bother me too. Continue reading